WCOA Code of Conduct, for Officers, Board members, Sports Committee members, Committee members and all of its members.
WCOA members shall be free of obligation to any interest other than the impartial and fair judging of sports competition and resist every temptation and outside pressure to use one’s position as an official to benefit oneself.
WCOA members shall prepare themselves both physically and mentally, shall dress neatly and appropriately, be punctual and shall uphold the honor and dignity of the profession in all interactions with athletes, student-athletes, coaches, athletic directors, school administrators, colleagues and the public.
WCOA members should strive to be fair, honest, courteous and professional in their communications and dealings with other officials, players, coaches, school administrators and WCOA’s officers and directors.
WCOA members shall master both the rules of the game and the mechanics necessary to enforce the rules, and shall exercise authority in an impartial, firm and controlled manner.
WCOA members shall not be party to actions designed to unfairly limit or restrain access to officiating and/or officiating assignments. This includes selection for positions of leadership based upon economic factors, race, creed, color, age, sex, sexual orientation, religion, physical handicap, country or national origin. WCOA’s elected officials, its officers and directors shall strive to set the tone for a sports officiating organization that is committed to this non-discrimination policy.
WCOA members shall avoid the use of alcohol and tobacco products beginning with the arrival at the competition site until departure following the completion of the contest.
WCOA members shall maintain an ethical approach while participating in forums, chat rooms, and all other forms of social media and refrain from posts and comments that will adversely impact the WCOA’s reputation or tarnish the image of our members and association. Only board members, appointed members and members given approval by the WCOA Basketball, Football or Executive board may send mass emails to the WCOA membership.
WCOA will not tolerate sexual harassment at of any kind. Sexual harassment includes any physical, verbal and/or graphic sexual advance, request for sexual favors, bullying and abuses of power and authority, and other sexually oriented conduct that a WCOA member knew or reasonably ought to have known would constitute inappropriate harassment of a member.
WCOA members shall remain mindful that their conduct influences the respect that student athletes, coaches and the public hold for the profession.
WCOA members shall take reasonable steps to educate themselves in the recognition of emergency conditions that might arise during the course of a competition.
WCOA members shall display and execute professional and respectful communication skills, both verbal and non-verbal.
WCOA members shall work with each other and its governing bodies in a constructive and cooperative manner and uphold the WCOA’s, Bylaws, policies and procedures adopted for the association.
WCOA Board members, elected officers, and Sports Committee members should demonstrate a commitment to an open line of communication with the members in its decision-making processes and disclose all potential and actual conflicts of interest when carrying out their respective duties.
WCOA Board members, elected officers and Sports Committee members are reminded that confidential financial, personal and other matters concerning the association, its members, student athletes, school administrators, and coaches may be included in Board materials or discussed during board meetings from time to time when undertaking their duties. As such, the WCOA’s leadership members should refrain from improperly disclosing such information and honor the confidential nature of such communications.