Elections Committee
Michael Varnadore (Chair), Carrington Price, Holly Russ, Lamarr Simon
Charter : Is responsible for all elections within the WCOA, including the solicitation of candidates for all available positions, the monitoring of nominations from the floor, the presentation of the candidates to the membership, and the execution of the online voting process. The committee will be responsible for the tally of the votes, and present the totals at the membership meeting following the end of the online voting period.
Details of our election procedures can be found at the WCOA Elections Page.
Equal Opportunity Committee
Marshal Dessalines, Representative
Charter – If anyone has any feedback concerning our approach to promote a non-discriminatory environment for all WCOA members regardless of sex, national origin, race, age, disability, religion or sexual orientation, including recruitment and advance of minorities and women, please reach out to Holly and members of the EOC. If you are comfortable, President Rodney Dickerson would appreciate hearing from you as well.
IT Committee
Michael Varnadore
Charter – The purpose of the IT Committee is to research and identify new and more efficient ways to promote, maintain and keep our WCOA website up to date. This will include but is not limited to working with the webmaster to arrange the posting of the most current and accurate information to our website, maintaining our website design and functionality and working with other committees and reviewing their ideas for website inclusions. They will propose ideas to help facilitate keeping the website user friendly, current and relevant to the ongoing activities of the association by submitting proposals to the board for approval. The board will make its decision on the next steps leading to implement. The committee will be responsible for these and all other duties assigned by the Executive Board.
Finance Committee
Mark Marino, Treasurer * Clayton Cunningham, Assistant Treasure
Charter – The purpose of the Assistant Treasurer is to aid the WCOA Treasurer in his duties and serve as an apprentice for the possibility of assuming the duties of the Treasurer in the future. This will include but is not limited to drafting a budget, registration of members for yearly dues, financial recording, collecting booking fees from schools and leagues, paying officials, maintaining up to date fingerprinting on officials and obtaining Lawson numbers for members. The Assistant Treasurer will be responsible for these and all other duties assigned by the Executive Board.
Mike Hegarty, Chairman * Rodney Dickerson, Board Liaison * Booking Commissioner, Carl Erickson, * Assistant Booking Commissioner, Nolan Padgett, League Booking Commissioner, Mark Olsen, Josh Sanders, Member, Eric Sperbeck, and Romero Green
Charter : Is responsible for reviewing the contest assignment procedure within the WCOA, ensuring compliance with requirements on officiating crew composition, reviewing the game assignments, and advising the Basketball Bookings commissioners of any possible adjustments that may need to be rectified prior to the assignments being published to the membership. This includes ensuring compliance with requirements on the composition of officiating crews, reviewing and approving each member official’s schedule of assigned contests, and balance of assignments accordingly. It is not implied that the Assignment Committee is to make assignments.
Matt Geer and Rodney Dickerson
Charter : Is responsible for reviewing regular season official’s evaluations, compliance with the criteria established by the FHSAA and the WCOA regarding rank, attendance in the specified meetings, clinics and eligibility as based on prior performance in state series events as determined by the WCOA basketball board. The committee will prepare a list of officials who will be recommended for State Series assignment and forward said list to the president of the WCOA as well as the basketball sports committee for review prior to submittal for approval to the FHSAA office. Officials on this list must have been approved by majority vote of the WCOA basketball members present and voting at a meeting announced for this effort, must be in good standing both with the FHSAA and WCOA, and must meet all applicable FHSAA/WCOA qualifying criteria.
Jerome Smith, Thoron Barclay
Charter: Is responsible reviewing complaints and appeals from association members through due process and will be conducted prior to a scheduled basketball membership meeting after be scheduled in advance in writing using the form available on the WCOA basketball web page. No individual grievance committee member will entertain grievances from members. Member officials who have grievances because of penalties or fines may appeal under the provisions of the WCOA By-laws. The committee shall review each case and make a recommendation to the Basketball Board, which will approve it or if rejected, will be in a the form of a written notification signed by the vice president of basketball which may then be appealed to the WCOA executive board.
Mike Corpening (Liaison), Tony Brackins (Director)
Committee: Will Smith & Richard Miller
Charter: Is responsible for establishing and scheduling new official orientation classes as necessary in order to acclimate and prepare new officials without prior affirmed high school or officials with higher basketball experience, which has been submitted to the WCOA basketball sports committee by said officials prior organization on the organization letterhead. This committee will develop and present training materials to the basketball membership at afore scheduled training sessions which are a requirement to qualify for post season play off tournaments as defined by the FHSAA. This committee shall be responsible for the coordination of all training exercises for beginning, new and current officials. This committee will solicit mentors from the existing senior membership to function as a ‘big brother’ to new officials to provide them a point of contact as well as a advisor on all basketball related functions or activities.
Steve Lanham, Coordinator * Cindy LaVertu, vendor
Mark Olsen & Julia Gonzales
Charter : Is responsible reviewing complaints and appeals from association members through due process and will be conducted prior to a scheduled basketball membership meeting after being scheduled in advance in writing using the form available on the WCOA basketball web page. No individual grievance committee member will entertain grievances from members. Member officials who have grievances because of penalties or fines may appeal under the provisions of the WCOA By-laws. The committee shall review each case and make a recommendation to the Basketball Board, which will approve it or if rejected, will be in the form of a written notification signed by the vice president of basketball which may then be appealed to the WCOA executive board. Also provides hospitality at WCOA led basketball events
Greg Kaiser (Chair)
Charter: Is responsible for reviewing regular season official’s evaluations, compliance with the criteria established by the FHSAA and the WCOA regarding rank, attendance in the specified meetings, clinics and eligibility as based on prior performance in state series events as determined by the WCOA football board. The committee will prepare a list of officials who will be recommended for State Series assignment and forward said list to the president of the WCOA as well as the basketball sports committee for review prior to submittal for approval to the FHSAA office. Officials on this list must have been approved by majority vote of the WCOA football members present and voting at a meeting announced for this effort, must be in good standing both with the FHSAA and WCOA, and must meet all applicable FHSAA/WCOA qualifying criteria.
Jim Kelly (Chair)
Charter: Is responsible for reviewing the contest assignment procedure within the WCOA, ensuring compliance with requirements on officiating crew composition, reviewing the game assignments, and advising the Football Bookings commissioners of any possible adjustments that may need to be rectified prior to the assignments being published to the membership. This includes ensuring compliance with requirements on the composition of officiating crews, reviewing and approving each crew’s schedule of assigned contests, and balance of assignments accordingly. It is not implied that the assignments committee is to make assignments.
Kenny Mascarinia (Chair)
Charter : is responsible for defining those qualified senior officials who are qualified and willing who shall assist with the evaluation of member officials within the association. It shall be the goal of this committee to ensure that each official with two (2) or more years of experience is evaluated, at least, once during the season and that each first and second year official is evaluated periodically during the season so that good officiating skills are developed, reinforced and rewarded by a submittal of a recommendation to the football sports committee that said official shall be promoted to the next ranking if deemed appropriate. First year officials will be evaluated periodically during the season, with mini-camps being offered as possible to re-enforce good officiating skills.
Justine Crow (Chair)
Charter : Is responsible for establishing and scheduling new official orientation classes as necessary in order to acclimate and prepare new officials without prior affirmed high school or officials higher football experience, which has been submitted to the WCOA football sports committee by said officials prior organization on the organization letterhead. This committee will develop and present training materials to the football membership at afore scheduled training sessions which are a requirement to qualify for post season play offs as defined by the FHSAA. This committee shall be responsible for the coordination of all training exercises for beginning, new and current officials. This committee will solicit mentors from the existing senior membership to function as a ‘big brother’ to new officials to provide them a point of contact as well as a advisor on all football related functions or activities.
Jerome Ford (Chair)
Charter : Is responsible reviewing complaints and appeals from association members through due process and will be conducted prior to a scheduled football membership meeting after be scheduled in advance in writing using the form available on the WCOA football web page. No individual grievance committee member will entertain grievances from members. Member officials who have grievances because of penalties or fines may appeal under the provisions of the WCOA By-laws. The committee shall review each case and make a recommendation to the Football Board, which will approve it or if rejected, will be in a the form of a written notification signed by the vice president of football which may then be appealed to the WCOA executive board.