H. Mackay once quoted, “Do what you love, love what you do, and deliver more than you promise. As we reflect upon the life of Clement O. Brooks, better known as Clem, we can see that he most assuredly did what he loved, loved what he did and delivered more than he promised.
Clem Brooks was born in Edgecomb County, North Carolina to the late Mr. and Mrs. Lee Cully Brooks. He has two sons, Clem Jr., and Anthony, and is married to Sheila Stevenson Brooks.
After graduating from high school, Clem enlisted in the United States Air Force and garnered a career with 22 years. After leaving the Air Force, Clem worked with the airlines industry until retirement in 2008. Also, during this time, Clem worked as a football and basketball official in the Hillsborough/Pinellas Counties for over 50 years and was recently inducted into the Florida High School Athletic Association Hall of Fame. In 2009, Clem had the special privilege of working the Super Bowl here in Tampa as a side-line chain official. Clem presently works for the Doubletree Hotel.
Clem is a member of Beulah Baptist Church where he is a Deacon and sings with the Male Chorus. He also works with the youth and serves as a mentor.
Clem knows there is no greater joy or greater reward than to make a fundamental difference in someone’s life. He expresses the strength, wisdom, and love of God as he lends a helping hand to others untiringly.

Football Official for 32 years:
- 17 years in High School Football Officiating (15 years with WCOA)
- 3 State Championship assignments
- 17 years in College Football Officiating
- 5 years Gulf South Division II
- 1 Division II playoff assignment
- 12 years Division I-FB
- 4 years in Sun Belt
- 8 years Southeastern Conference
- 9 Post season assignments
- 5 years Gulf South Division II
High School Basketball Official for 11 years (8 years with WCOA)
- One state final four assignments – Girls
- Four state final four assignments – Boys

Officiating Experience:
- Member – West Coast Officials Association (WCOA), Tampa, Florida, July 1976 to 2008
- Member – West Coast Umpires Association (WCUA), Tampa, Florida, July 1976 to 1989
- Member – Florida High School Activities Association (FHSAA), Gainesville, Florida, July 1976 to 2008
- Charter Member – National Association of Sports Officials (NASO), Racine, Wisconsin, 1976 to present
- Offices Held, WCOA – President 8 years, Wrestling VP 4 years, Basketball VP 4 years, Football Sports Committee Member, Basketball Sports Committee Member, Basketball Assignment Committee Member, Football Sports Committee Member, Football Recommendation Committee Member and Wrestling Booking Commissioner for 10 years.
- Offices Held, WCUA – Umpire in Chief 6 years and Board Member for 8 years.
- Officiated – High School Football 1976 to 2006. Served as Referee for Varsity crew since 1985. Worked 38 Playoff assignments, including Clock Operator for 1977 2A State Championship, Referee for 1990 3A State Championship, Referee for 1994 6A State Championship, Referee for 1998 2A State Championship and Referee for 2004 2A State Championship.
- Officiated – High School Basketball 1976 to 2005. Worked Varsity assignments since 1978. Worked 62 Boys District Tournament Playoff assignments since 1985, 28 Boys Regional Tournament Playoff assignments and 10 Boys State Tournament Playoff assignments, including 1989 2A State Championship Game, 1995 6A State Championship Game, 1999 6A State Championship Game and 2005 1A State Championship Game. Worked 23 Girls District Tournament Playoff assignments since 1983, 6 Girls Regional Tournament Playoff assignments and 3 Girls State Tournament Playoff assignments, including 1983 4A State Championship Game and 1994 3A State Championship Game.
- Also officiated Men’s Junior College Basketball in the Suncoast Conference and Women’s Division II Basketball in the Sunshine State Conference for several years.

Officiating Experience
- Officiated 14 years in Kentucky as a member of the Bluegrass Basketball Association
- Received KHSAA officiating award from 1980 – 1994 for dedicated services rendered.
- Attended a Don Rutledge college 3-crew officiating camp in Kentucky in 1994 prior to moving to Florida
- Moved to Florida in 1994, unable to locate information on how to join an association, drove to Gainesville, found the nearest school, got directions, drove to FHSAA office, registered, and obtained Jim Drapp’s phone number.
- Before joining the WCOA, as I missed the first meeting, located a scrimmage at Armwood, with Tom Judge and Pat Fleming as instructors, the class being all newbies.
- They asked for volunteers and I was first, working with the two newbies in their rotations.
- Tom said he noticed that I had officiated before and would I mind being on the floor for the entire scrimmage, working with two new officials each time.
- That’s where I first met Jon Decker and Carlos Woosley.
- Started as a rank 3 official, promoted to a 4 mid-year and to a 5 at year end
- Worked my first high school game with Leo Sykes.
- Worked my first regional my first year with Clyde Trathowen
- President Clem Brooks asked me if I would be training director for the next year and I served as training director for 3 years.
- Later in the year, Clem asked if I would serve the remainder of Tom Judge’s term as a member of the Basketball Committee (board) and I served for a total of 15 years as director and one year as VP.
- 1998 – Worked 6A state finals with Jeff Albers and Alvin Holder.
- 1998 – Started the WCOA web site, utilizing my personal web site and supported it for 3 years before the WCOA Executive Board allocated funds to build it on a professional hosting system. Clem Brooks said I brought the WCOA kicking and screaming into the 21st century.
- 1999 – Started the first WCOA basketball camp at University of Tampa girls basketball camp with only 14 officials
- The second camp expanded to 31 officials also at UT
- Ran the WCOA training camps for 3 years
- The board agreed that the volume of officials exceeded the girls’ basketball camp ability to provide enough games at UT, so the camp was moved to the USF facility to take advantage of the large boy’s basketball camp with Mike Hegarty and Leo Sykes assuming the camp director responsibility.
- 1999 – Selected as WCOA Emeritus official, for services rendered to the association at a general membership meeting, thus becoming an official for life.
- 2001 – May 5, Received WCOA male officials of the year by the Florida Basketball Officials Association at their banquet
- 2002 – Served as a FHSAA state clinician for 2 days at the Auburndale FHSAA field clinic.
- 2003 – Was the first WCOA New Official Orientation Training Class instructor with Thom Powers, continuing for 3 years.
- 2004 – Received WCOA official of the year at the Hillsborough County Coaches banquet
- 2004 – Developed an online evaluations system on the web site for officials to immediately view their evaluations; only association in Florida to have this capability.
- 2008 – Began recording all basketball meeting and loading to web site to be viewed by absent members.
- 2009 – Was the basketball person to create the criteria for basketball to qualify the WCOA as the FHSAA association of the year
- 2014 – Received 30 year membership award from FHSAA
- Remained active in the WCOA to assist where possible after foot injuries prohibited officiating.
- 2015 – Received Golden Whistle award for services rendered
- 2016 – Continued supporting the WCOA web site until retirement

Before WCOA:
Like many others, I played for years from 7th grade through senior year high school. Although I did not strike fear into many opponents, it did give me a background to work intramural sports in college. My senior year, I scheduled officials for all games.
As Recreation and Parks Director in Plant City from 1975 to 2004, I over saw the youth basketball program that grew to over 500 kids playing in three gyms. In the first few years, I recruited all officials, scorekeepers, coaches, players, and even swept out on occasion.
I started officiating in 1982 in JV ball. I got a good idea of what it is like to leave work and fight rush hour traffic across the county for early games. That time sensitive fact was never lost on me in later years.
Like everyone else I started working varsity games in the smaller Christian and public schools. My game got better, but I realized no one would know that until I got a chance to work with better people in better games. Being seen and rated is key to advancing for newer officials.
- Worked varsity games from mid-1980’s through 2004
- Served two terms on WCOA Basketball Committee in charge of ratings.
- To encourage varsity officials to fill out evaluation cards, I started drawing one card every meeting to win two dinners to local restaurants.
- To encourage JV officials to request evaluation from person working the varsity game behind them, I also drew a card out of the pile for some JV grub. Food is an incentive. The number of cards turned in went up nearly 300%.
- I always liked the half-day clinics. While moving up, it was a good time to ask questions. As a clinician, it was a good time to talk about nuts and bolts situations you will encounter before games, on the court, and at home.
- I have no idea how many District and Regional games I participated in, but I do know I worked five State Finals. Throwing the ball up on the last one was something I will always remember.
For an official, there is one call that will set the tone of the game. Generally, it comes in the first two or three minutes. Get that call right and your confidence goes up and respect for you is set.
Also, for a subordinate official, early in your varsity career, there is a pivotal time that you are called on to grab the game. For whatever reason, the burden falls on you. That is the time you must step up and take charge. That game can make you or set you back. This is the time to show you have arrived.
We all know you have only one or two other friends in the gym. They are dressed just like you and on the floor. Over the years, it was my honor and privilege to work with some on the finest officials in the state. They made me better and it was also my honor and obligation to pass those lessons on.

Officiated high school football and basketball in the state of Florida for 37 years. Served in positions of leadership in his local officials association for almost the entire period. Service included several terms on the Basketball Committee and five terms on the Football Committee, including two terms as Vice President – Football Committee and one term as President – WCOA.
Has always professed the importance of rules knowledge and has earned superior scores on the National Federation annual exams. Shared his expertise with his officials association by conducting yearly test preparation classes in both football and basketball thereby improving the general rules knowledge of the membership and improving the overall test results in the association.
During his tenur as Vice President for football, he oversaw the first spring football clinic conducted in Florida by his association. This innovative concept allowed for better training through maximum on-field work by the membership with the availability of more high school scrimmages. This has been accepted as standard practice throughout the state.
Functioned as Treasurer for the association for three different tim periods, totalling approximately 15 years. While Treasurer, volunteered to manage the background check program, which certified all officials to enter school grounds. Also managed the program to assign each official an identification number for payment purposes.
He has been selected for post season assignments for 25 years in both football and basketball. Those assignments include three Final Four assignments in basketball and one football State Championship. Included were many regional level assignments in both sports.
FHSAA Service:
- Elected by his peers to serve two terms on the Florida Officials Advisory Committee representing football associations from one of the four regions in the state.
- Served on several FHSAA test preparation boards.
- Served as a football evaluator several years for crews during regional and championship play.
- WCOA Silver Whistle for dedicated service (1997)
- Tampa Bay Basketball Coaches Association – Official of the Year (2006)
- Tampa Bay Basketball Coaches Association – Official of the Year (2016)
- FHSAA Basketball Official of the Year (2008)
- WCOA Football Official of the Year (2007 and 2015)
- FHSAA Football Official of the Year (2009)
- Tampa Bay Chapter – National Football Foundation Official of the Year (2013)

Gerald (Jerry) Lambert was a proud member of West Coast Officials Association for well over 25 years. He proudly served in the US Airforce for 20 years and retired in Tampa. Jerry was very proud of his Cajun heritage; there was no question of his heritage when you heard him speak. Mr. Lambert officiated several sports including football, basketball, baseball, and softball. Mr. Lambert worked State Finals in basketball, baseball, and softball—sadly, not football although more than qualified and deserving.
Throughout his many years of officiating, he was always noted to have one of the strongest crews in football because he was very selective of those he chose to work with. Mr. Lambert started off in football as a linesmen and worked his way to a referee position back in the days when there were only 8 crews. Jerry was elected and severed on every possible committee including Vice President of Football. He was noted for being hard on coaches, players, and other officials during games. This may be because he began is career in an era where discipline wasn’t as good as it is today–fighting wasn’t uncommon. Association members who knew him would all agree he was a dedicated trainer other officials. He spent hours filling out detailed evaluations, trying to help fellow officials. Mr. Lambert was a hard judge and you would have to repeatedly demonstrate competency in order to pass his inspection as an official.
While having a hard exterior at times, Mr. Lambert was known for a much softer side. After the games, he was known for his sense of humor and storytelling. Mr. Lambert was a major supporter of the Special Olympics and secured volunteer officials for several sports including basketball. He also worked with wheelchair basketball and would recruit volunteer officials there as well. Mr. Lambert’s induction comes posthumously. Mr. Lambert passed away in 2007 at the age of 69 while still an active and participating official in WCOA. He may have slowed down from his prime, but he still managed his own crew as a referee.
WCOA wants to recognize great officials from the past who left a mark on WOCA and belong in the Hall of Fame before their memory fades. The list of officials that Mr. Lambert mentored over the years would be too long to list for this this bio. Mr. Lambert should be remembered as a great official of many sports, a good hearted man with a very wicked since of humor, and a man who left a legacy that should be remembered and acknowledged in the West Coast Officials Association.

Al Orr was a WCOA football and basketball official for approximately 25 years. He was involved in many responsibilities in both sports, but basketball was where he devoted most of his time. Al served as WCOA Vice President of Basketball, training officer, and sports representative for over 15 years. He trained, evaluated and developed officials tirelessly in both sports. He was actively involved in the effort to migrate the WCOA from a club to a business with a formal tax-ID number, bylaws, and formal procedures. He regularly served as a basketball clinician and was involved in either coordinating the football half-dayclinics or teaching the umpires classes. Al worked any assignment given to him when many officials did not want to work girls basketball or youth football. Al worked at least two state basketball finals.
Outside of the WCOA, Al was a military officer stationed at MacDill Air Force Base. He later worked for the local government as a director of parks/recreation and worked with handicapped individuals. He was a regular volunteer/director for special Olympics and was involved with USA Paralympics, serving as an International Paralympics referee. Al also recruited and trained officials for wheelchair basketball.
Al was a consistent giver to the organization and certainly one who served the organization with pride and professionalism. He was a great officiating partner and he was always willing to help out his fellow officials in whatever capacity was needed.

US Army, Strategic Communications Command, Satellite Communications, Three Years. Bachelor of Science Degree, Electrical Engineering. Married, two children. Founded Powers and Company Inc., 1991.
Experience President, one term. Football Sports Committee, four terms. Approximately 18 years. Approximately 20 playoff games. With the late Charlie Morgan, past WCOA president, created the Sportsmanship Award given annually to a Hillsborough County School. Other Football Experience
years, NCAA Division 3. Seven years, NCAA Division 1. Seven years, Buccaneers’ training camp scrimmages. Member of the committee that brought the Outback Bowl to Tampa. Outback Bowl game officials liaison, with Gale Porter, former WCOA official.

Co-Founder of the WCOA
Grew up in Youngstown, Ohio
Graduate of the University of Tampa and is a member of the UT Spartan Hall of Fame for his participation in both football and track and field.
Served in the United States Navy at the Norfolk Naval Base and in the Philippines.
Taught physical education within the Hillsborough County Public School System at Sulphur Springs Junior High School and Booker T. Washington Junior High School.
Died April 2, 2009 at the age of 89.

Co-Founder of the WCOA
Graduate of Jesuit High School
A member of the University of Tampa Hall of Fame as an
alumnus and member of the 1952 Spartan’s football team
Was a teacher and head football coach at Oak Grove Junior
High School in Tampa
Became the Executive Director of the Florida State Fair
Died March 26, 1999 at the age of 72

Officiated with the WCOA for 35 years
- 1984-Joined WCOA.
- 1987-Assigned to Charlie Morgan Crew as the Linesman.
- 1989-Made his first Playoff Crew.
- Assigned as Clock Operator for State Championship Game in Gainesville.
- 1995-Received FHSAA Superior Official Football Award.
- 2000-Promoted to Referee taking over Bill DeCosta Crew.
- 2004-05-Awarded FHSAA Certificate of Meritorious Achievement.
- Referee for 7A Semi-Final Championship Game in Apopka.
- 2010-Received WCOA C.O. Jones Award.
- Appointed to WCOA Football Board leading the Training Committee.
- 2016-Referee for 8A State Championship Game in Orlando.
- 2016-Received WCOA Official of the Year Award.
- 2010-19-Created “Fast Start” program for new members on the crew, resulting in 7 crew members, over the years receiving WCOA Rookie of the Year or Most Improved Official Awards.
- 2020-LOA due to back injury.
- 2021-Retired after 35 years.

Eric called an old friend and WCOA referee, Ken Vennett, to inquire how he could become a football official.
When Eric began officiating in 1972 at the age of 24, there were just 10 public schools in Hillsborough County. WCOA only sent out 24 officials on a Friday night – just six 4-man crews. It was almost impossible to break into a But in 1976,
Eric was fortunate to be invited to join veteran referee George Munn’s high school 4-man crew as the field judge, which marked the start of his 42 year officiating career at the high school level.
Long recognized as a top official, Eric officiated his first post-season first game in 1978, an honor for which he was selected for 35+ consecutive seasons, including the state 1995 AAA Championship game. By the time Eric retired from officiating in 2017, he had worked over 800 football games including 45 + playoff games.
As a leader for WCOA off the field, Eric served four terms on the Football Committee and one term as Training Director.
Eric made a lot of great calls over the years – but he will tell you that the best call he ever made was to Ken Vennett in the summer of 1972 asking how he could join WCOA.

- Joined the WCOA in 1982 out of high school at age 18 to officiate football, basketball and baseball (WCUA).
- Worked his first varsity football game in his 2nd season.
- In his fifth season, he was on a crew full-time with Richard Asbell and the following season with Jerry Lambert, where he worked for several years.
- After achieving a superior ranking at linesman, Jerry recognized his potential abilities and began to work with him as a referee. He worked lower profile games and worked as a fill-in referee on busy varsity nights.
- At age 29, he became a full time referee and went on to help other outstanding officials to become referees with their own crews such as Greg Kaiser, Ed Ortiz, Tommy Johnson, Jim Kelly, Ken Calhoun, and John Fiore.
- He has also helped develop a few who have gone on to work at the college level such as Mike Wheeler and Brian Davis.
- During his tenure with the WCOA, he has served in some capacity every year as either WCOA President, VP of Football, Treasurer, Secretary, Sports Rep, Trainer, Clinician and/or Evaluator.
- As part of the WCOA leadership, he worked to:
- Modernized the WCOA Bylaws
- Hosted a 2 day NFL Referees Association training camp attended by officials from around the state
- Developed the regular season varsity lottery assignment system
- Helped to establish a video based evaluation system
- Established formal playoff criteria and a non-repeat system
- Helped the WCOA win Association of the Year for 2009
- On the field, court and diamond, he achieved superior rankings across three sports with the FHSAA, WCOA and WCUA.
- Officiated football for 40 years, basketball for 37 years and baseball for 35 years.
- He has worked 10 State Championships combined between the sports of football, basketball and baseball.
- In football and basketball, his Championship Game appearances include:
- 2012 – St. Thomas Aquinas vs. Tallahassee Lincoln (football)
- 2015 – Jacksonville Raines vs. Miami Washington (football)
- 2019 – American Heritage vs. Weeki Wachee (basketball)
- 2022 – St. Thomas Aquinas vs. Homestead (football)
- Notable assignments included:
- Two Bay Area All Star Games
- Florida Athletic Coaches Association All Star Game
- His crew during his final season was an amazing team of professionals: Gary Mays, Shawn Willis, Conrad Schupay, Chris Rodriguez and Stefano Heugel.
- Gold Whistle Award winner in 2023.

- Member of the FHSAA and the WCOA from 1998 to 2018 – 30 years!
- Served on the following committees:
- Recommendations
- Evaluations
- Assignment
- Training
- Elected to the Football Sports Committee for two terms
- Chairman of Evaluations Committee
- Ran one of the most successful evaluations programs in the state using video evaluations to offer feedback to every varsity crew official
- He performed hundreds of evaluations which focused on mechanics and helped to build consistency in the way WCOA members officiated their games
- Received training from the FHSAA to perform state playoff evaluations and was a valuable contributor to the FHSAA’s process of making state playoff crew assignments
- He was so good at evaluating, that the FHSAA asked him to continue performing crew assessments even after he had retired from officiating
- He has worked over 40 state playoff games which included two FHSAA Championship Games:
- 2010 6A Championship Game – Miami Norland vs. Dr. Phillips
- 2014 6A Championship Game Apopka vs. Columbus Miami
- Richard’s wife was among the first to sew on the WCOA logo onto member’s hats

- Tony Scionti began officiating with WCOA while he was attending the University of Tampa in 1954
- He had a long and successful career as an official serving Football for 52 years and Basketball for 42 years
- Tony became a referee for Football and mentored the following HOF inducted officials: Clem Brooks, Jim Drapp, Ken Williamson, Tommy Johnson and Eric Newman
- He held leadership positions within the WCOA as:
- President
- Vice President
- Treasurer
- Tony officiated numerous State Football and Basketball Championship Games from 1964 through 1991
- Tony was awarded “Superior Official” in both Football and Basketball after 10 consecutive years of officiating with the FHSAA
- In 1994, the Tampa Chapter of the National Football Foundation and Hall of Fame, Inc. selected Tony as a recipient of a special coaches’ award for his exemplary service as a football official
- He received the WCOA Silver Whistle Award for Basketball and Football from 1955-1980
- He received the WCOA Gold Whistle Award for 50 years of dedicated service in 2004
- In addition to his tenure in WCOA, he has been a community sports leader supervising the Tampa Bay Buccaneer ten member chain crew for 29 years, the Hall of Fame Bowl, the
- Outback Bowl and the Reliaquest Bowl in Tampa Stadium and later Raymond James Stadium for 38 years
- Tony Scionti is one of the most senior living WCOA officials at 90 years young

In 1971, the two West Coast Officials Associations, one white and one black decided to join together into what you see you are a part of today. The top high school officials association in the state of Florida.
These two gentlemen are but two of the top officials to make that transition, along with Clem Brooks, in making WCOA the premier officials association in Hillsborough County, Tampa.