For the past several months, our association has been working to build a new and innovative website experience for our members. We are proud to announce that the new WCOA Website has officially Launched!
This website has many new improvements that are designed to make sure WCOA members have important information immediately at their fingertips as well as providing you with tools to provide the association with equally important information as easily and efficiently as possible. 

Protected Sections 

Both Football and Basketball have members only pages that store confidential information for respective sport. To access these sections, you must be a member in good standing for the sport you are trying to access.

Game Reports 

Football now has an online game report form that provides Referees (or designees) to submit a game report form that will immediately be distributed to all Varsity Crew Chiefs and the Hillsborough County Athletic Director.

Scrimmage Sign-Up Sheets 

Scrimmage Sign-Up forms that allow WCOA Football Members to view other members that have already signed up for a specific scrimmage and to sign-up themselves.  Additionally, members have the ability to remove themselves from a scrimmage if their plans change, freeing up the slot for another member.

New Official Forms 

New Official Forms that allow prospective candidates the ability to submit an application to WCOA to join our association.

Custom Event Calendars

Custom Event Calendars show unique events for both Football and Basketball in the respective sections.

News Scroll

A News Scroller on the Main Page that lets WCOA post important remionders of upcoming events, new opportunities, and other important announcements … Like This One!

More to Come

We’re not done. In fact, we are just getting started. Stay tuned for many mire exiciting new features in the months to come!